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Créditos del video a Doctv Ecuador

Atractivos turísticos

About us

about us

Find Your Inner Peace Through Spiritual Service

We believe that our world has never been so connected and the Gospel will be readily accessible for everyone as we appear online. We invite people to come under the umbrella of one God, Jesus Christ; and connect with Him through their souls. Be the disciple of Jesus Christ and join us any time you want.

Our Vision & Belief


We believe in discovering new life following God’s path. Our goal is to help people discover themselves in God’s way.


We also believe in helping people to develop as who God made them to be and find the true essence of life.  


We assist people in developing and deploying an impact on the world in God's way. The better the


Church Pastors

Paul Calvin

Lead Pastor

Paul Calvin worked as a social worker and geologist. His devotion to God made him come to this path.

Benjamin Keach


Benjamin Keach was a physicist who decided to become a pastor in our church and serve the community and God.

Paolo Segneri


Paolo Segneri was also a social worker who served humanity for a long time. He became our pastor to start serving God.

Tobia Lionelli


Tobia Lionelli was a teacher who started learning about Jesus Christ and decided to serve as a pastor.

Want To Support Our Cause?


Hay lugares donde uno se queda, y lugares que quedan en uno


Si lo que buscas es pasar tiempo en familia te recomendamos visitar las riberas del rio Yanuncay, podrás sentir la suave brisa del rio pasar por tu rostro también te recomendamos visitar las lagunas de soldados esta se caracteriza por su fácil acceso y su belleza inigualable.

existen varios atractivos turísticos como las comunidades ancestrales Cañaro, San Jose, Barabón, Sustag, Soldados estos ofrecen paltos ancestrales que puedes degustar.


Si buscas una buena experiencia deportiva te recomendamos realizar la ruta ciclista de 30km que recorre todo el Biocorredor Yanuncay. Si buscas relajarte te recomendamos la pesca deportiva en las riberas del rio Yanuncay también puedes montar a caballo pasear por los sederos, ascender a las montañas o si buscas degustar las comidas del Biocorredor son las más sabrosas que hayas probado.

Sobrevive Yanuncay

de la mega destrución de tus paramos
